New Release and New Website

A new website! Finally! I've been using a Blogspot website for years and haven't had the time to make a change. And also, it just seemed really daunting to start a website from scratch. I finally made the leap and it's coming along, though I will continue to work on it over the coming months. Hope you like it so far!
This is my first official post on this site, and I'm happy to announce it coincides with a new release. The Player is available now. This book...oh, this book! It had a completely different plot originally that just didn't work. I had to delete it and start from scratch. And I'm glad I did. There is something very attractive and sweet about the new hero, Tyler Hawk. He's a misunderstood rock star who's looking for love but is too afraid to open up and let anyone in. Our heroine is kind of the opposite. She's looking for a knight in shining armor and yet the guys she seems to attract are the absolute worst! I am always really critical of my books. I even debated not publishing this one at all, but the more I read and edited it, the more I fell in love with Tyler and Kat. I am hoping you do, too.
And if you read The Player, please be sure to leave a review and let me know what you thought. I try not to read reviews, but honestly, I read them all. Some are mean and critical, but that's okay. If they're constructive I try and incorporate them into other books going forward. I want to deliver books to you that are great. I want you to love the characters and the worlds I create. So please be sure to tag me if you write one. And thank you for taking time in your life to read my books! It's truly humbling.
Happy Holidays readers! I hope your New Year is filled with happiness!